WELCOME TO EVERKIKOREA EVERKI is a global brand of premium, stylish and innovative travel and laptop bags

로그인 회원가입

    • 4월 할인 프로모션

      최대 30% 할인

      2024.04.16 - 2024.04.30
    • 구매자 모두 참여가능한

      유튜브/리뷰 이벤트

      참여만 해도 100% 당첨
      Premium Laptop Bag

      ONYX EKP132

      걱정할 걱정이 없는 디자인
      for Premium Travel Friendly

      Laptop Backpack

      최고 품질의 소재, 노트북을 더 특별하게
      For Traveler

      For pleasant trip

      아틀라스 시리즈
      Hi, CONCEPT !

      프리미엄 기능과 스마트한 스타일링

      CONCEPT 친구를 소개 합니다

      Felt & Lined

      Clean and safer

      에버키 프리미엄 노트북가방
      • Stylish

        This is a bag that has been beautifully designed, from its sturdy, inset wheels to its removable accessories pouch and headphone, and stylish design is something that I always appreciate.

      • Chasing

        I'm also a huge fan of the professional, business-savvy look that the backpack offers, while also being extremely comfortable to wear and carry around, no matter how much of my equipment happens to be weighthing it down!
